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Schools and Groups

"Our school had a wonderful visit here today!  The volunteers are all so authentic, and brilliant with the children.  If you haven't already been here, you should!"  

Unfortunately we have made the difficult decision this year that we are not able to open mid-week for school and group visits.


Little Woodham is staffed purely by a small group of dedicated volunteers, and unfortunately we are finding it difficult to fully populate the village on weekdays.

Groups are able to visit on our publicised open days without prior arrangement.  Groups of over 15 paying visitors qualify for group rates.  Simply ask at the shop.


Organisations (Brownies, Scouts etc):

Child  £3.50

Adult  Free of charge (One adult per six children)

Home education groups:

Child  £3.50

Adult  £3.50

Child under three  Free of charge

Adult groups:

Adults  £5

Further information

If you require any further information, please email Claire on

All the villagers are volunteers with a keen interest in their individual roles and of the social history of this period of time.  They have researched their topics in depth and love sharing nuggets of information that may not be covered in the classroom. For example, did you know that people did not have left or right shoes; they were made to fit either foot!
My Approach

Registered charity no 1047688

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